MAP - Mental Abacus Prodigy
Abacus propelled China to the top of math education. Abacus converts numbers into image of beads and enables visual processing. It eases arithmetic for children. Abacus boosts IQ, memory, attention, cognitive development, and math performance ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5]).
Mental Abacus visualizes arithmetic mentally on an imaginary abacus. Its success has been replicated in the rest of the world. Mental Abacus Prodigy (MAP) is a curriculum developed by Dr. BiJian Fan for K-5 math education. It is taught as after-school enrichment program. Thanks to its neurological benefit, abacus also boosts cognitive fitness for seniors. MAP is taught as a dementia prevention class at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), California State University Channel Islands. Please contact BiJian Fan to bring MAP to your community.
Mental Abacus visualizes arithmetic mentally on an imaginary abacus. Its success has been replicated in the rest of the world. Mental Abacus Prodigy (MAP) is a curriculum developed by Dr. BiJian Fan for K-5 math education. It is taught as after-school enrichment program. Thanks to its neurological benefit, abacus also boosts cognitive fitness for seniors. MAP is taught as a dementia prevention class at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), California State University Channel Islands. Please contact BiJian Fan to bring MAP to your community.