"Paper Tiger" is an ancient Chinese phrase. It refers to a person or thing that appears threatening but is ineffectual. This relief paper art brings out the beast’s animus. The medium of paper conveys fragility.
To suit children’s visual learning, artist BiJian Fan conducted a train-the- trainers workshop on Origami Math Genius (OMG) at Visible Mathematics. The teacher’s conference was held at the Ventura County Office of Education on March 16, 2017. More than 200 teachers experienced its visual impact in math education. They can bring OMG projects back to their classrooms and make sense of math visually for students.
Visual learning is dominant style among children. OMG suits them in visual reasoning and seeing math through relevant origami art. Origami’s advantage in math education has been established in numerous studies. Local artist BiJian Fan uses origami as a tool for cognitive fitness. An article published by Ventura County Reporter on 3/9/17, at http://bit.ly/2mpduHY .
The paper sculpture of egret is featured in the “Black and White Magic” art exhibition. It is held at Hillcrest Center for the Arts in Thousand Oaks, CA, February 24 to April 24, 2017. A reception is held on March 11, 4-6pm. The exhibition is curated by Ms. Connie Tunick and Mr. John Johnson of the Arts Council of the Conjeo Valley.