The course introduces the principle of acupuncture, emerging research and clinical practice. It also reveals the health benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan, the mind-body exercises practiced as preventive medicine in China for millenniums.
A new course on the science of acupuncture debuts at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) of California State University Channel Islands in early spring semester, 2017. OLLI brings the excitement of college learning to area seniors (50 or better!). No homework, no test, but joy of learning. The enrollment information is at
The course introduces the principle of acupuncture, emerging research and clinical practice. It also reveals the health benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi Chuan, the mind-body exercises practiced as preventive medicine in China for millenniums.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) of CSU Channel Islands offers a course on mental fitness - Origami Memory Gymnastics (OMG) - I at Agoura Hills Event and Recreation Center, Monday 1-3pm from January 23 - March 13, 2017. The registration information can be found at .
Mental exercise wards off dementia. Used in clinical therapies for Alzheimer’s, autism, and other neurological conditions, Origami is advocated by neuroscientists to maintain brain fitness because it stimulates the prefrontal cortex which controls memory and other cognitive functions. Integrating logic, arithmetic, and other cognitive exercises to improve memory and brain function, this hands-on course will include active participation in paper folding and discussion of the latest scientific research on dementia prevention. Edison International awarded Studio Channel Islands a grant in 2016 for its Origami Math Genius (OMG) program. The grant funds OMG outreach to students and teachers in local community.
OMG is a curriculum teaching math through hands-on origami art. The nesting bird exemplifies a spatial transformation from 2D paper to 3D origami model. It develops spatial reasoning and deducing skills. The advantage of learning math through origami has been established in numerous studies. It raises math achievement and cultivates creativity. In celebrating National Park Services’ centennial in 2016, Channel Islands National Park commissioned local artist BiJian Fan to create the islands wildlife. The western snowy plover is a threatened shorebird. Owing to the species' dramatic decline, a recovery program was instituted in 2007 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service. The artwork of wildlife is to engage public in preserving their habitat that is critical for the continued health of the population.